defined as "the indomitable spirit passed on through generations of Sweet ancestors."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mi Camino No Es Su Camino. Y Eso Esta Bien.

(Sunday, October 13, Madrid, Spain) Okay. I’ve kind of been lying for the past couple of days. Well, maybe not outright lying. Let’s just say i was putting a positive spin on things. In reality, the Camino was not meant for me. Or, put another way, I was not meant for the Camino.

I was certain I could find the peace and fulfillment that so many others seem to find in challenges presented by its long walks, pulled muscles, blisters, heavy winds and rain. And I thought I needed to travel across the Atlantic to discover that inner whatever. 

But lo and behold, I’m not like everyone else. This had been a dream of mine for decades. And I failed. Miserably. Yesterday I left  the Camino early for the solace of a nice hotel in a big city to find the grace to forgive myself for quitting. I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the qualities I was seeking was the ability to give grace. Little did I know I would need to extend it to myself which I think that may be even more difficult than giving it to others. This is indeed a hard pill to swallow. 

You may ask “what happened?” I was still asking that of myself  as I sat in the tiny airport in Vigo, Spain waiting for the next flight to Madrid. So, let me see if I can succinctly sort thru this. 

Days one and two - some sunshine, lots of rain, excruciating pain in my leg for the last 3 miles and realizing this is not a team sport. I was essentially walking all alone in the rearview mirror of my travel partners. (It’s not their fault I am the tortoise and they are the hare(s).) Days three, four and five - cabbing it while others walk because my leg still does not work up to par. The outlook for the remaining 8 days was bleak  I would rather be someplace else … actually, any place else.

As I waited to board my run-away flight, I met two sisters from Boston who are my age and just came off the Camino. They were a godsend. As we talked about our respective experiences, they reminded me that the Camino provides and my Camino presented me with the gift of taking a week of spontaneity to travel Europe on my own, go wherever I want. (This too is also a long held dream of mine and fodder for an entirely new blog.)

So here I am in Madrid. Today I will shop its famous el Rastro, just a 5-minute walk from my hotel, sans climbing, rain, pulled ligaments and blisters. And I have a ticket to visit Museo del Prado. Tomorrow? Wait and see.

Lesson learned? Life is a Camino and we each have our own paths to take. Buon Camino — whatever yours happens to be.


  1. Good for you to tailor your adventure to fit you.❤️❤️❤️ Jolene

  2. Dear cuz Lisa, please don't feel like you're a quitter or any other denigrating DID do "your" Camino. Torturing ourselves to prove a point or to not feel like we're disappointing others, does not happy campers make. So glad you did your portion and realized you were now ready to follow another path - one that makes your spirit happy as well as your body. Good for you to have the courage, the strength and will to have a new adventure of your own making. Proud of you! I am sure you'll find the inner "riches" you sought on the Camino...(ie, the Boston sisters) and the joy of no timetables, no pressure, just the utter freedom to go where you want, when you want. What a blessing! Your cuz, Cindy

  3. Grace is something I find elusive for myself. I am one to give it like you but not receive it. Take that with you giving yourself grace is a true blessing and gift. Enjoy the rest of your adventure!
